Episode 4- Dr Jaspreet Singh Oberoi

Episode 4 dives into the field of quantum machine learning, and how quantum computing has evolved and its future

In this episode of Raw Talent, we have with us Dr. Jaspreet Singh Oberoi. From his experiences and life as a Student at Thapar Institute Of Engineering And Technology Patiala to Director at 1Qbit,  do give it a listen to learn more about the industry life and some tips to make career in Quantum Computing.  About the Guest:  Dr. Jaspreet Singh Oberoi  has worked in Quantum Computing and has numerous publications . Some of his remarkable works include "Free Energy- Based Reinforcement Learning using Quantum Monte Carlo and Quantum Annealing", "Accelerating Neural Network Ensemble Learning Using Optimization and Quantum Annealing Techniques" and many more.  He owns a shared patent of"Method and System for optimizing asset allocation in a cognitive radio configuration"

Youtube - https://youtu.be/_n4BcgOjSmo
Anchor - https://anchor.fm/dsctiet/episodes/Raw-Talent---Episode-4--Quantum-Machine-Learning---Life-as-a-Quantum-Computing-expert-ei4sju
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/3a8D5XBdlS0RTsiejaA1BD

Other Episodes: 

This podcast was made by students of
Developer Student Club, TIET